
Pillars Of Success For Women In Tech 

New research has revealed that women report they still face stereotypes when running a business compared to their male counterparts, saying they are seen as ‘too emotional’, ‘bossy’, ‘weak’ and ‘trying to be masculine’.

Ever since the boom of digital technology and the growth of the tech industry there has been a gender gap.

A huge disparity between the number of men working in tech and the number of women. Often the largest tech companies are headed by a board of directors of completely men or within limited female representation and the workplace culture has certainly been seen to push women away in the past.

However, with so many talented women around the world, there are hundreds if not thousands who wish to change this. To encourage more women into tech careers and to flourish in an ever-growing industry with great job opportunities. Below we touch on some key pillars that have been shared in a bid to encourage women into the technology space and some advice for those of you hoping to climb the corporate ladder.

Don’t stop learning

In an industry that is continuously evolving, women in tech should grasp any opportunity to learn and grow. Giving you a step up on the job market and the skills required to evolve your career. Gaining skills, whether soft or hard, will help you to establish yourself as a key player within your team, become a person others can turn to, can lead a team, and overcome challenges.

Accept new challenges and face them head on

As with any industry there will always be challenges and hurdles to overcome. For any woman in tech it is important to accept that there will be challenges and to embrace them. See a new challenge as an opportunity to grow. Whether it’s a problem within a project or a client-facing issue, challenges come with their benefits. And for women hoping to succeed in tech, these challenges can be excellent learning experiences. They provide the perfect opportunity to learn from other members of your team, to grow and to reflect on the experience.

Be the leader others want to be

Anyone can be a leader but to be a good leader you should lead by example. Creating a good relationship between you and your wider team. Allowing for growth, success and collaboration at any stage of a project. Be the leader others would want to be and others would want you to be. Strong, successful female leadership within the tech industry sends a powerful message to tech giants and established powerhouses. By being a powerful leader with your core values at the heart of your work, you can make a real difference for other aspiring women in tech.

Stay true to yourself

In a competitive world and particularly a competitive industry, it can be easy to lose sight of your original goals and ambitions. But for women hoping to make a breakthrough in the tech world, it is incredibly important to stay true to yourself and your original ambitions. Remaining a goal-oriented, disciplined and dignified individual will allow you to surround yourself with other like-minded individuals who will support you on your journey, rather than compete with you or tear you down.

Build your confidence

Often what many women struggle with in industries that are dominated by men is pure confidence. Lacking confidence can often hinder performance and lead many women to stay stagnant in their positions. While it can be scary to go out of your comfort zone, in doing so you can help lead the way for both yourself and other young women looking to smash through the glass ceiling in high-performing tech jobs.

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Pillars Of Success For Women In Tech